This introduction is a guide to psychology and human behavior through handwriting analysis. Includes a breif history of handwriting analysis, basic psychological principles revealed in handwriting; and the emotional intensity of pressure and slant.
Handwriting Analysis: Secrets of Love, Sex, & Relationships
Handwriting Psychology should never be used by itself to judge someone, but it can serve as an essential tool to make and confirm observations that could change your life, your career, and your approach to life.
Between the Lines provides an awareness of graphology that not only enhances our understanding of ourselves, but also sheds light on our business, social, and romantic relationships.
The person stops himself from feeling and instead holds himself upright or leftward , attempting to ward off painful feelings . Many people who experience trauma in their lives defensively try to become immune to their feelings ...
Explains how to use handwriting analysis to interpret people's character traits, personalities, and backgrounds, and examines the handwriting of such dangerous individuals as Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper, and Osama bin Laden.
J.H.F.PEJ, Lu Hoc H Jr-cLLDE co-wr-Ecnolór JTRoker, Frtoo a seriental PErz Jor-Fortin T-PE - - -ENTRobuction To HANsoluse of Mér ANALNs of Grstapo-oculco ...
The purpose of this book is to take the frustration out of meeting and selecting people to date and to improve all of your current relationships.
If you have ever wondered what the squiggles and strokes in a line of ink say about personality, or if you are a handwriting professional who learned the "trait-stroke" method,...
Kids fascinated by crime and police work will appreciate this inside look at detection and forensic science. The 25 experiments can be performed at home and offer fascinating explanations of police lab techniques.
emigrated, such as Eric Singer, who went to England; Robert Saudek, who was already there; Arie Naftali, who moved to Israel; and Klara Roman, Werner Wolff, Ulrich Sonnemann, Rudolf Arnheim, Wladimir Eliasberg, Herry Teltscher, ...