Peer review, when done well, has been seen to reinvigorate teaching, provide detailed appraisal, and enrich evidence on which decisions about compensation and promotion are made. In this concise, yet comprehensive book, Nancy Van Note Chism offers a framework for the use of peer review; lists the tasks involved in setting up a peer-review program; and provides guidelines, protocols, checklists, and reproducible rating forms for reviewing course materials, classroom performance and non-course teaching activities, such as overall departmental teaching efforts and teaching portfolios. She addresses institution-level issues: policies about peer review; responsibilities of administrators, reviewers, and reviewees; and the components of an effective peer-review system.
The book is offered in the hope that providing examples and forms will not reduce the important work of peer review to mere forms or rigid procedures, but will empower faculty to articulate standards, perform their reviews systematically, and realize that engaging in peer reviews can be an approachable, helpful task. Peer reviews are rooted in the foundational approach of teaching as communal work that opens dialogue, probes assumptions, encourages sharing, and creates a culture that supports and sustains good teaching.
This book seeks to recognise cases of peer review of teaching in Higher Education to affirm best practices and identify areas that require improvement in establishing local, national and international benchmarks of teaching quality.
8.1 Think: Education group faculties together have over 130 years of combined history and are respected as leaders in their ... Think operates within the National Protocols for Higher Education Approval Processes (NPHEAP 2007).
Describes strategies through which faculty can document and "go public" with their teaching—be it for purposes of improvement or evaluation.
Richard Rorty, citing Kuhn, employs the terms “normal discourse” and “abnormal discourse” to address not only scientific discourse, ... My efforts to name the differences in terms of 57 Virtual Peer Review as Abnormal Discourse.
With higher education’s refocus over the last three decades on bringing greater recognition and reward to good teaching, the idea of peer review has gained popularity. One tool for documenting...
As a writer on education reform, Myron Lieberman has criticized America's two largest teacher organizations - the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - for standing in the way of needed ...
Peer Review of Teaching [PRINT]
What is good undergraduate teaching? This book discusses how to evaluate undergraduate teaching of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology and what characterizes effective teaching in these fields.
Nottingham: NCSL. Greany, T. (2016). Innovation is possible, it's just not easy: Improvement, innovation and legitimacy in England's autonomous and accountable school system. Education Management Administration and Leadership, 46, ...
Peer review of teaching