Touched by the Graces: The Libretti of Philippe Quinault in the Context of French Classicism

Touched by the Graces: The Libretti of Philippe Quinault in the Context of French Classicism
Summa Publications, Inc.
Buford Norman


In the history of French classicism Philippe Quinault is unique: there is no other author (including Racine, Moliere, and Corneille) whose plays were performed so frequently and who was remunerated so generously during the classical period. This book, which fills a void in the study of classical drama, is equally unique: the first in English on Quinault and the first comprehensive study in any language of the libretti he composed in collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Lully from 1673 to 1686. After situating the libretti in the context of French classicism, the author first discusses the prologues to the Quinault-Lully operas, then devotes a chapter to each of the libretti in which he examines such traditional literary elements as performance history, plot, characterization, and style, as well as issues more specifically related to musical theater. The concluding chapter summarizes what opera can tell us about French classicism and explores in depth some of the key theoretical issues such as representation, imitation, and recognition. This volume will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers: specialists in seventeenth-century French theater, musicologists, music lovers who are interested in early opera, and those whose research focuses on the interrelationship of music and literature.

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