The book of HEIHO: CONCEPTS IN STRATEGY, is a culmination of research from the International Shito Kan Association into the art, science & philosophy of Karate as a form of Budo. HEIHO follows the vision of Grand Master Shimabuku & the tradition carried on by American Isshin Ryu Master Harold Long, recognized 10th Dan & current patriarch of the Isshin Ryu System. The author continues the lineage into a third generation of Isshin Ryu practice carrying on the legacy of the Okinawan Karate Masters. HEIHO first explores the fundamentals of proper martial arts practice & explores Kaishu Waza, advanced practice, called Shito Kan Chart III which consists of concepts researched & developed to serve as Bunkai (applications) for correct, traditional application of Tatsuo Shimabuku's Chart I, II & the eight empty hand Kata (forms) of Isshin Ryu derived from the Goju & Shorin Ryu systems. The advanced techniques explore many elements of Kata Bunkai not normally learned in standard Karate training. HEIHO is essential reading for anyone interested in the study of Karate Jutsu & Budo including fundamental developmental aspects of basic technique & etiquette as well as advanced applications & theory of Karate Budo as a philosophy of life. Order from the Aiello Group, 605 West 11 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48067. 810-542-4314, FAX: 810-542-5414.
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A Dictionary of Japanese Martial Arts and Culture Daniel C. Pauley ... Similar weapons were known in China and India aka : uchishuko SHUTO “ palm - sword , ” as done in Kempo and Karatedo aka : tegatana ( " hand - sword " ) SHUTO GANE ...
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Broadsword: Chinese Weapon of Self-defense
A must for advanced students, this book is the next level in training for those who have learned the Tai Chi form and begun pushing hands practice. It is the first book in English to fully explore Tai Chi power, known as Jin.
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