More than 3,000 of the best doctors in the Chicago area are listed and profiled in this valuable resource. Vital information on more than 25 of the region's leading medical centers and hospitals is included, along with a special Centers of Excellence section that profiles outstanding hospital programs in such areas as cancer, cardiac surgery, women's health, and sports medicine. Readers will learn what makes a doctor the best and what criteria to go by when choosing a physician. This objective guide is the product of an extensive survey process in which more than 11,000 doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators were asked, To whom would you send members of your own family?
This volume discusses the needs of special populations, the role of the capitation method of payment, and more. Recommendations are offered for achieving a more multidisciplinary education for primary care clinicians.
“What was Ms. Smith's white-blood-cell count today?” he'd bark. “Nine-point-five, SIR!” I would reply, praying for no follow-up questions. If I didn't get the information out quickly enough, I would brace for the Raptor's claws.
Although oriented to local physicians, the book also lists "super-specialists," physicians known throughout the region to be outstanding in their field. All doctors listed, regardless of classification, are Board Certified.
How to Find the Best Doctors: Florida
This is report is a guide to help consumers choose the best combination of doctors, hospitals and health plan.
The classic book on the art and humor of practicing medicine, celebrating its 20th anniversary in a new gift edition with updates throughout. Previous editions have sold more than 200,000 copies.
A guide to doctors most highly recommended by other doctors, organized by metropolitan area. Includes details on each doctor's training, credentials and office locations.
In this myth-shattering book, Jerome Groopman pinpoints the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make.
The guide contains vital information for anyone seeking a new doctor, hospital or HMO.
Even in this information age, it is a daunting task to find clear, concise, and credible sources for essential medical facts. And for those dealing with the symptoms of often...