This book is the newly revised edition of Castle Connolly's hot-selling consumer guide on how to obtain the very best health care in the New York City area. It is a unique book that provides information about 4,000 of the best doctors in all 5 New York City boroughs, Westchester & Long Island counties, plus northern New Jersey & southern Connecticut. Programs & services of all acute care hospitals & HMOs in the region are described as well. The book explains what makes a doctor the best & lays out the criteria to use when choosing a physician. Sample questions for potential physicians & other health care providers are incorporated. Although oriented to local physicians, the book also lists "super-specialists", physicians known throughout the region to be outstanding in their field. Most doctors listed, regardless of their classification, are Board Certified. The physician listings include office address, phone number & HMO affiliations, as well as hospital affiliations & much more data, all vital to careful physician selection. The Guide also gives an overview of how to choose hospitals & HMO, & offers a review of the inner workings of both. To order call 1-800-399-DOCS, FAX (212) 980-1716, or write Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., 150 E. 58th St., New York, NY 10155. Available through Independent Publishers Group.
176 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOR HOSPITAL NUTRITION SERVICES Exhibit 13–14 Example of a Survey Used To Assess Outpatient Satisfaction The Cleveland Clinic Cares ! Please tell us about today's visit to The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in ...
Hosp . , 15 : 16 , 15 : 30 , 15 : 31 Strauss v . Marlboro County Gen . Hosp . , 8 : 370 Strauss v . Thorne , 13 : 49 Striano v . Deepdale Gen . Hosp . , 10 : 211 Stribling v . Jolley , 8 : 373 Stroehmann Bakeries Inc . v .
Variations in Hospital Admission Rates: A Review of the Literature
For over two decades, Casenote Legal Briefs have helped hundreds of thousands of students prepare for classes and exams year after year with unparalleled results.
The Medical Directory 1991
Regulating Hospital Costs: The Development of Public Policy
The book is a descriptive and qualitatively analytical discission of the policy struggle in congress over the hospital cost containment act. Against a background of severe and uncreasing inflationin health...
Discharge Planning Organization and Outcomes for Short Stay and Same - Day Surgery Patients Aged 55 and Over
Senior Advocates Identifying Gaps in Services to At-Risk Elderly Living in the Community: A Demonstration Project: Final Report