The purpose of this publication is to establish a rationale for early childhood environmental education and to offer some guidelines and suggestions for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate environmental education...
Environmental Education: Teaching Our Children to Preserve Our Future : Field Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and...
A peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal promoting early childhood environmental education for global readership and action, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) publishes scholarly written ...
Use the environment to engage your students in learning--both outside and indoors--in urban, suburban, or rural settings.
This text is a practical resource that explores how early childhood educators can work to tackle issues of sustainability.
These essays explore various perspectives on urban environmental education and may be reprinted/reproduced only with permission from Cornell University Press.
In this book we address this concern by identifying two principles for using play-based learning early childhood environmental education.
Examining the National Environmental Education Act: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth, and Families of the Committee on...
This is an essential text for students, teachers and practitioners in a range of early childhood education and care settings.