Trends in State Student Assessment Programs, Fall 1996: Data on Statewide Student Assessment Programs

Educational evaluation
Linda Bond, Edward Roeber, David Braskamp


This document, fourth in a series, describes trends in statewide assessment programs. It is based on surveys conducted in the past for the Association of State Assessment Programs. States were asked to describe the assessment programs they operated during the 1995-96 school year. Part One of the survey asks each state to describe its existing program, its collaborative partners, and what it is developing. Part Two of the survey asks each state to describe its efforts in nontraditional assessment. Part Three of the survey asks each state to describe each assessment program, component, or groups of assessments that are used to gather a set of data used for the same assessment purposes. For each component, states explain who is tested, what subjects are tested, and what types of assessments are used. In addition, states describe accommodations provided to English language learners and students with disabilities. States have designed very different assessment systems, from use of a norm-referenced test alone to use of performance assessments. Most states, however, use a combination of multiple choice, short-answer, extended-response questions, performance tasks, or portfolios. This is the last year the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory will participate in the collection of survey information on assessments; the program will continue under the direction of the Council of Chief State School Officers. (Contains 2 figures, 24 charts, and 8 references.) (SLD)

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