A collection of 7 modern-day missionaries whose lives will captivate and inspire young Christians. With great full-color illustrations and thorough information, this series is excellent for ages 10 - 16 and is great for homeschool groups.
The inspiring story of one man's love for God and his unflinching commitment to present the Gospel of Christ to the Chinese.Previously published under the title To China With Love, this book recounts the thrilling story of Hudson Taylor and ...
It is possible to live a life that is totally dependent on Christ for everything. The many miraculous answers to prayer that missionary Hudson Taylor experienced are exciting testimonies of God’s gracious provision.
Marriage to Miss Maria J. Dyer. Undertook charge of Dr. Parker's hospital, Ningpo. Return to England on first furlough. Hidden years. Surrender at Brighton, and prayer for twenty-four fellow-workers for inland China.
It is always helpful to us to fix our attention on the God-ward aspect of Christian work; to realise that the work of God does not mean so much man's work for God, as God's own work through man.
A story of excitement, love and faith in Imperial China An influential missionary whose life changed the way missionaries work
This book offers a succinct yet thorough introduction to 131 of the most intriguing, courageous, inspiring Christians who ever lived. It tells how they lived, what they believed, and how their faith affected the course of world history.
This is the classic biography written by his son Howard and daughter-in-law Geraldine, who also served as missionaries to China.
Will Hudson Taylor be able to survive a difficult journey into inland China where thousands have yet to hear about Jesus Christ? How will he succeed in a land where both the language and customs are strange and new?
J. Hudson Taylor: A Man in Christ
J. Hudson Taylor: im Herzen Chinas