Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Writing Literature Reviews
Psychology / Developmental / General
Jose L. Galvan


- Guides students in the preparation of literature reviews for term projects, theses, and dissertations.

- Most chapters are conveniently divided into easy-to-follow guidelines, sequential steps, or checklists. Numerous examples throughout the book show students what should and should not be done when writing reviews.

- Emphasizes critical analysis of reports of empirical research in academic journals--making it ideal as a supplement for research methods courses. This book makes it possible for students to work independently on a critical literature review as a term project.

- Nine model literature reviews at the end of the book provide the stimulus for homework assignments and classroom discussions.

- The activities at the end of each chapter keep students moving toward their goal of writing a polished, professional review of academic literature.

- Most examples include material from recently published research. Includes nine model literature reviews for discussion and evaluation.

Table of Contents


1 Writing Reviews of Academic Literature: An Overview

2 Considerations in Writing Reviews for Specific Purposes

3 Selecting a Topic and Identifying Literature for Review

4 General Guidelines for Analyzing Literature

5 Analyzing Quantitative Research Literature

6 Analyzing Qualitative Research Literature

7 Building Tables to Summarize Literature

8 Synthesizing Literature Prior to Writing a Review

9 Guidelines for Writing a First Draft

10 Guidelines for Developing a Coherent Essay

11 Guidelines on Style, Mechanics, and Language Usage

12 Incorporating Feedback and Refining the First Draft

13 Preparing a Reference List

14 Comprehensive Self-Editing Checklist for Refining the Final Draft

Model Literature Reviews for Discussion and Evaluation

Review A: Cyberbullying Among College Students

Journal of School Violence

Review B: Waterpipe Smoking Among College Students in the United States

Journal of American College Health

Review C: The Effect of Student Discussion Frequency on Mathematics Achievement

The Journal of Experimental Education

Review D: Behaviors in Couples With a History of Infidelity

Journal of Family Psychology

Review E: The Prevalence of Stalking Among College Students

Journal of American College Health

Review F: School Social Workers' Experiences With Youth Suicidal Behavior

Children & Schools

Review G: Demographic and Academic Trends in Drinking Patterns and Alcohol-Related Problems

Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education

Review H: Overnight Stays and Children's Relationships With Resident and Nonresident Parents After Divorce

Journal of Family Issues

Review I: Language Brokering: An Integrative Review of the Literature

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

Professor Reviews

"Students have found Writing "Literature reviews one of the most helpful books.... Even students not in the course have gone to the bookstore looking for this book."

-- Kathleen N. Bondy, University of Central Arkansas

"Lucid, readable, and concise. Excellent detailed table of contents. Good full-length examples of literature reviews."

-- Paul K. Dezendorf, East Carolina University

"Excellent. A concise, 'task analytic' presentation of the complex steps necessary in writing literature reviews."

-- Tom Cooke, Sonoma State University

"Readable, concise, clear overview of the subject. My students rave about it. One said, 'I will keep this book for my whole master's [in nursing] program.'"

-- Madge M. D

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