This is not your ordinary workers' compensation book.
A nontechnical guide to how the workers' compensation system works, for students who plan to enter the health and safety profession.
Lencsis explains that workers compensation laws were enacted on the federal and state levels in the early part of the century and have endured in the same basic form to the present.
The book discusses the all-important issues of fraud, modified duty, substance abuse testing and accident investigations.
This book is a valuable resource for anyone who deals with the injured worker.
Examines the performance of Pennsylvania's workers' compensation system, the major policy issues the system faces, and options that the commonwealth might consider to address these issues.
The articles in this volume were first presented at the Seventh and Eighth Conferences on Economic Issues in Workers' Compensation sponsored by the National Council on Compensation Insurance.
Benefits, Costs, and Safety Under Alternative Insurance Arrangements Terry Thomason, Timothy P. Schmidle, John F. Burton. Schmulowitz, Jack. 1997. Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Coverage, and Costs, 1994–95.
Analysis for Its Second Century H. Allan Hunt, Marcus Dillender ... Liu, Hangsheng, Rachel M. Burns, Agnes G. Schaefer, Teague Ruder, Christopher Nelson, Amelia M. Haviland, Wayne B. Gray, and John Mendeloff. 2010.
In A Prelude to the Welfare State, Price V. Fishback and Shawn Everett Kantor challenge widespread historical perceptions by arguing that workers' compensation, rather than being an early progressive victory, succeeded because all relevant ...