Increasing the chances of a website's success by boosting its ability to entice surfers to stop at the site, absorb what it offers, and return at a later date, this guide provides templates, checklists, and forms-- as well as proven techniques such as using e-mail, links, and online advertising-- to increase the number of initial users and repeat visitors to a website. Invaluable to entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate marketing managers, and consultants seeking guidance to make their website successful, this resource is an important tool for those trying to maximize their Web promotion potential.
You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and your website. (bron:
The World Wide Web: What Marketing Managers Might Want to Know about Conversion and Efficiency
Surfers Get Hooked: Conversion Efficiency on the World Wide Web
This book is a no nonsense guide for those who want to cut through the hype and use the web to grow their business.
Fifty SEO Ideas helps you understand SEO one idea at a time. That said, Fifty SEO Ideas is not a step-by-step guide to SEO! It is an ideabook: a book of ideas, in no particular order.
Includes Marketing resources (information websites to keep you up-to-date as a marketer), SEO (tools, tricks and tactics to help rank your website at the top of search engines), Social media marketing, and Google Ads.
Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers, International Edition helps readers understand the "why" behind the "how" of Web site development.
Márketing de guerrilla con tecnología: cómo liberar todo el potencial de su empresa
Новые правила маркетинга и PR: как использовать социальные сети, блоги, подкасты и вирусный маркетинг для непосредственного контакта с покупателем