Lavishly illustrated with 185 paintings, drawings, photographs, maps, and charts, over 150 in color.
293 , fig . 112 ; Germaine FAIDER - FEYTMANS , Bronzes de Belgique , p . 74 , n ° 58 . Cat . 200 Statuette ; milieu le siècle après J. - C .; Boulogne - sur - Mer , Musée Archéologique ; inv . BL 68001 ; bronze ; H : 4,5 cm .
Mujeres: mitologías
From speculation on "the man in the moon" to the moon in song and literature, all phases of our moonstruck state are celebrated in this spectacularly illustrated, mesmerizing volume. Complete...
Sargent's Murals in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
"Among the most popular attractions at The Cloisters, the medieval branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, is a set of tapestries depicting the hunt of the fabled unicorn.
Wellspring: On the Myth and Source of Culture
Minyatürlerle Osmanlı-İslâm mitologyası
Some are educational, all are beautiful. A thrilling adventure across teh seven seas in which man confronts monstrous sea beasts. Kellie Strom's fantastical seascape boils as sailors in peril battle against titans of the deep.
This detailed study of the history of the Green Man follows this motif back from the previous earliest known examples into its hitherto unrecognised origins in India about 2300 years ago.
The New Gods: Psyche and Symbol in Popular Art