This text provides a comprehensive review of measurement approaches within sport and exercise psychology. Over 50 of the world's leading experts in the field contribute to chapters addressing the historical theoretical and methodological foundations of existent measures.
全美Kindle(運動健身榜)銷售TOP 1 《富比士》雜誌「20位最啟發人心的女性推特作者」; 史丹佛大學心理學講師、知名TED講者、暢銷作家 凱莉.麥高尼格最新力作! ...
15年研究首發!革命性科學發現! 運動是天然的健腦丸! 風靡全球,影響美、加、日各國教育界、體育界! ✔學習力 ✔壓力 ✔憂鬱 ✔焦慮 ✔成癮 ✔專注力 ✔老化 ✔失智 ...
熱銷德國、歐洲 全球第一本神經元訓練專書 結合最新腦科學研究與神經運動實務 100個感官練習,幫助你提升內在體感、減壓、解痛 ...
何小姐四十二歲,有多年胃食道逆流案例 18 長年胃食道逆流,吃的藥物始終改善沒問題,因為怕胃寒,她隨時帶著保溫瓶常喝溫熱水暖胃,雖然胃鏡檢查多次並沒有什麼發現,但即使定時服藥,症狀仍然明顯。 穿著宜通風涼爽。所以,傳統上女性.
10 腿部肌肉训练弹力带-站姿单侧腹内收动作要点避免膝关节弯曲上身姿势保持不变目标肌群·内收肌群 1 站姿,双脚分开与肩同宽,双手叉腰。将弹力带一端固定在一侧脚踝关节处,另一端固定在同侧与踝关节同高的物体上,保持弹力带张力。抬起套弹力带的脚, ...
A light and nimble energy is to be preserved on the top of the head; the ch'i is to sink to the tan tien. When you practice T'ai Chi, your whole body should be relaxed. When your whole body is completely relaxed, there should be a light ...
Contents: Introduction to Yoga; Asana: Beginners Group -- Pawanmuktasana Series; Part 1: Anti-rheumatic Group; Part 2: Digestive/Abdominal Group; Part 3: Shakti Bandha Asanas; Yoga Exercises for the Eyes; Relaxation Asanas;...
Total Fitness and Wellness
Research in mainstream psychology and sport psychology stresses the importance of a developmental perspective that considers continuity and change from infancy through older adulthood. Understanding age-related changes in perceptions physical...