Just then Deana saw David walking toward them from the other direction . He looked annoyed and Deana knew why . ... When their eyes met , the look of stark desolation on his face gave him a vulnerability Deana did not expect .
Dividing the book into three parts—“Setting Forth,” “Disaster,” and “Return”—Fischer charts the course of Odysseus’s familiar wanderings.
Captain Madsen's four children fondly recall their exciting experiences sailing with their father and mother on the bark John Ena at the turn of the twentieth century.
"My name is Eli Pruparrow, and I'm sailing down the Chesapeake Bay with my friend, Micha Kovnik.
After days of torrential rain, Peter's family wakes one morning to discover their house is adrift in the middle of the ocean, and so a wonderful adventure begins for them all.
Sailing Home
Fully aware that his mythical home-place might have vanished forever into memory (or at least into sad disrepair), Gary Geddes set out to discover his roots in a 31-foot British...
This is the third and last book in the trilogy of his adventures in Kylie, in which the author cruises forgotten islands of the Spanish Main where the people speak English, sails in a Belizean trading-smack and crews an eventful 1300-mile ...
The dynamics of Lowell's poetry attest to a tension between his desire to change and his equally strong need to preserve . ... he did ( Alvarez , “ Robert Lowell ” 19 ) - he felt compelled to reconceive the problem .
After two years traveling with a hippie family, eighteen-year-old Paul returns home to finish school and to go sailing again with the girl friend whose father's false accusations had caused him to run away.
' That was the reaction Gregg A. Granger received when sharing with other friends and relatives, his plans to sail around the world with his wife, two teenage daughters, and five-year-old son.