Marke, Julius J., Editor. A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University With Selected Annotations. New York: The Law Center of New York University, 1953. xxxi, 1372 pp. Reprinted 1999 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 99-19939. ISBN 1-886363-91-9. Cloth. $195. * Reprint of the massive, well-annotated catalogue compiled by the librarian of the School of Law at New York University. Classifies approximately 15,000 works excluding foreign law, by Sources of the Law, History of Law and its Institutions, Public and Private Law, Comparative Law, Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Political and Economic Theory, Trials, Biography, Law and Literature, Periodicals and Serials and Reference Material. With a thorough subject and author index. This reference volume will be of continuous value to the legal scholar and bibliographer, due not only to the works included but to the authoritative annotations, often citing more than one source. Besterman, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies 3461.
Collecting and Managing Rare Law Books: Papers Presented at a Conference Celebrating the Dedication of the New Tarlton Law Library,...
Professor Bernard D. Reams is an astonishingly prolific legal bibliographer with a long publishing history . His productivity has led some to believe that he is using the latest in automated tools . But according to Professor Reams ...
Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection of New York University (1953) 869. Scott, Henry W. The Courts of the State of New York: Their History, Development and Jurisdiction: Embracing a complete history of all the Courts and Tribunals ...
Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection of New York University (1953) 312. Plucknett, Theodore F.T. A Concise History of the Common Law. Fifth Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1956. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, ...
A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy George Edward ... A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University With Selected Annotations.
operations, ranking with Kalven and Zeisel's The American Jury and Van Dyke's Jury Selection Procedures." American Bar Association Journal. Henderson, Gerard C. The Federal Trade Commission: A Study in Administrative haw and Procedure.
Law Books in Print: Publishers list
Phillips, Gary. Ivan Monk Series. Crime Novels Crime Novels—Old School Cooper, Clarence Jr. The Scene, Goines, Donald. Daddy Cool. Himes, Chester. GraveDiggerJones and Coffin Ed Johnson Series. Pharr, Robert Dean. Giveadamn Brown.
The courts are all shut up ; the public offices lie in a hot sleep ; Westminister Hall itself is a shady solitude where nightingales might sing, and a tenderer class of suitors than is usually found there, walk.
The National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints: A Cumulative Author List Representing Library of Congress Printed Cards and Titles Reported by...