Describing the theater of Moliere as a systematic attack on Cartesian modernism, this book is richly theoretical with incisive and specific treatment of such plays as "The Miser" and "The Misanthrope."
London : Croom Helm , 1984 . Aldington , Richard . Death of a Hero . London : Chatto & Windus , 1929 . Life for Life's Sake . New York : Viking , 1941 . Portrait of a Genius , But ... London : Heinemann , 1950 . War and Love .
Några vändningar hos Hölderlin
Kozlik, Frédéric C. Influence de l'anthroposophie sur l'oeuvre d'Andréi Biélyi. Frankfurt a.M.: R.G. Fischer, 1981 Lantin, ... Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2001 Meyer, E. da Costa and F. Wassermann, eds. Schoenberg, Kandinsky, and the Blue ...
“A Portrait of an Artist as a Cultural Icon: Edward Steichen, Vanity Fair, and Willa Cather.” In Reynolds, Willa Cather as Cultural Icon, 46–67. ... The Kingdom of Art: Willa Cather's First Principles and Critical Statements, 1893–1896.
Robert Graves and the Decline of Modernism: Inaugural Lecture
Robert Graves and the Decline of Modernism: Inaugural Lecture Delivered on 17 November 1960 in the New Lecture Theatre ...
Against contrasted readings of modernity in the works of both analytic and hermeneutic philosophers, successive studies investigate the figures of moral discourse, moral perception, and both moral motivation and ethical emancipation in the ...
Andrew Radford is Senior Lecturer in 20th Century Literature at the University of Glasgow. He has recently published a critical edition of Marie Corelli's occult bestseller A Romance of Two Worlds (Edinburgh University Press 2019).
Modernism is a key era in literary studies in which the reading and writing of literature was transformed.
El " cisne " es otra de las figuras preferidas de Darío por su doble naturaleza : la estirpe divina ( encarnación de un dios ) y la pasión erótica ( mito de Leda ) . Expresa la agonía y tensión ... ( " Salutación a Leonardo " , p .