Provides information about prairie dogs, including their anatomy, special skills, habitat, and diet.
Describes a prairie dog coterie, or family, focusing on the characteristics and behavior of its members at different ages and seasons.
A prairie dog, standing on its hind legs, spots a badger on the prowl for its next meal.
Discover the fascinating life and habits of prairie dogs and see how their colony works.
Prairie dogs are known for the extensive burrow systems in which they live.
Readers are given a peek at the amazing underground world of the prairie dog.
An introduction to the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the prairie dog.
These small mammals live in groups called towns and build elaborate underground homes. This fact-filled book informs kids about prairie dog life cycles, communication, diets, and burrows.
Little Joe was the only prairie dog to survive the storm. His home demolished, Little Joe is quickly adopted by Leona as her Prairie Dog Pet. Little Joe becomes a part of the family, even eating from the kitchen table.
Examines the physical characteristics, habits, and distinctive towns of the prairie dog.