"Yes, you can be gay or lesbian and Christian! What does it mean for lesbian and gay people that Jesus was tempted "like we are in every way?" Fundamentalists have created God in their image. What if God has qualities other than being "right wing, upper middle class, white, male?" Rev. Piazza challenges us to look at God from a different angle"--Page [4] of cover.
Lonely lesbians all over the country who read about them wrote , telephoned , even hitch - hiked to London to see them , and they found themselves with all kinds of personal problems and crises on their hands . There was a moment during ...
... acá el Hipermercado Tigre abierto las 24 horas en donde una vez robamos una lata con un jamón ; acá el cine El Cairo , en donde lloramos juntos al ver una de Kusturica ... acá , la vida juntos , acá ... jacá el pasado !
These are disputed assertions, about which sincere thinking people often disagree. These are not black-and-white issues but are instead "gray areas," or issues about which reasonable people can agree to disagree.
(157) Socarides quotes from Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen's book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear ... Kirk and Madsen, says Socarides, urged “gay” activists to adopt. 156. See “B-2. Pansexual Education” on page 100.
Becommentarieerde verzameling teksten uit 1566-1976 over homoseksualiteit, homoseksuele mannen en vrouwen, blanken, zwarten en indianen in de VS.
The definitive international guide to gay, lesbian and queer film and video.
... 295, 324, 333, 334, 335 Gay World, The (Hoffman), 312-13 Geer, Will, 270 Gemeinschaft der Eigenen, 96, 99, 164, ... Barbara, 329-30 Gloeden, Baron Wilhelm von, 186-88 Gordon, Charles George, 163 Gosse, Edmund, 106 Grant, Duncan, ...
Written during 1913 and 1914, Maurice deals with the then unmentionable subject of homosexuality. More unusual, it concerns a relationship that ends happily.
Graham Burchell. New York: Picador, 2003. —— “About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self: Two Lectures at Dartmouth.” Political Theory 21, no. 2 (May 1993): 198–227. —— “A Preface to Transgression.” In Paul Rabinow, ed., ...
The Church calls all people to chastity. This booklet explains the basis and content of what the Church teaches about homosexuality and same sex attraction.