Provides an overview of some of America's finest zoological parks, discussing exhibits, activities for children, and information about hours, admission and fees, and zoo touring tips.
Gives descriptions and information on the top 53 United States zoos and noteworthy foreign zoos.
Each entry features information on hours and seasons of operation, admission fees, specialty animals, entertainment, and more. Photos.
Tracing the global trade and trafficking in animals that supplied U.S. zoos, Daniel Bender shows how Americans learned to view faraway places through the lens of exotic creatures on display.
The polar bear had not arrived, and the collection on display included a feeble tiger, a blind hyena, an elephant rescued from a bankrupt circus, a talking crow, eight small monkeys, and 400 birds.
Nelson D. Schwartz, “Anger Erupts after Danish Zoo Kills a 'Surplus' Giraffe,” New York Times, 9 February 2014. In many European zoos, so-called surplus zoo animals—typically nonendangered species whose genetic composition or ...
Philadelphia 2009
Proceeds from the purchase of this book go directly to the Riverbanks Society, the private, nonprofit organization supporting the mission of Riverbanks Zoo and Garden.
A former zoo director explores the checkered history of zoos--from ancient Egypt to the present--and advocates a new kind of institution that emphasizes worldwide conservation projects, landscape immersion, and educational programs.
Zooming in on Europe's Zoos: Sheridan's Guide to Europe's Zoos 2010-2025
Omaha's Historic Park and Boulevard System, 17–18, Nebraska History Collection at Omaha Public Library's W. Dale Clark Library. 13. Ibid. 14. Handwritten description of Riverview Park, Douglas County Historical Society. 15.