Inside this book is a proven writing system which will rapidly help you ... Be clear! Be concise! Be confident! And best of all, be quick! ... when you write. Forget the old rules and tedium! Apply this simple system and you'll have that writing "weight" lifted off your shoulders -- instantly! Use this book to empower your workforce of 1 or 10,000. You'll gain immediate productivity increases and improve the bottom line. Business Writing That Counts! dramatically cuts down the "dreaded thinking and organizing time" by providing an easy way to shoot out effective reports, e-mail, and correspondence. For those of you who sell or need to persuade in your documents, this new third edition includes a companion sales writing system proven to help you ... Sell Better! Sell More! Sway Opinion! And cut down the time sales writing takes!
"Includes special section: Business writing that sells"--Sticker on cover.
Business Writing That Counts!: How to Write Quickly and Clearly in Three Easy Steps
Simply put, this book delivers easy, painless writing techniques that work.
Laura Brown’s supportive, no-nonsense approach to business writing is thoughtfully adapted to the increasingly digital corporate landscape.
Do you want to write in a more effective and efficient manner? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Harness the Business Writing Process is for you.
Fundamentals of Business Writing
This work also covers the advantages and disadvantages of e-mail. [!front cover!](The Sunday times logo)EffectiveBusiness WritingCREATING SUCCESS• Write clearlyand powerfully• Be persuasive• Use style andlanguage to impressPatrick ...
Anyone who has ever had to write any business document, from interoffice memo to fifty-page proposal, will find this the single most effective tool for producing clear, concise, and persuasive prose.
In this highly practical text, author Natalie Canavor shares step-by-step guidance and tips for writing more clearly and strategically.
This is a guide to how to achieve your objectives and raise your profile through effective business writing.