If you're like most of us, the mailman's annual delivery of Sears, Roebuck and Company's Christmas Catalog was a holiday event in years past. American children watched the mailbox carefully for those wondrous old catalogs. They were full of childhood fantasies... enough toys, dolls, trains and bikes to make any kid start writing his or her letter to Santa Claus. That's probably why the nickname "Wishbook" stuck.
And if you grew up during the Baby Boomer years of the Fifties and Sixties, there's big news. Those lost Wishbook pages full of wonderful toys targeted to girls have been reproduced in Girls' Toys, a new book containing authorized reproductions of the best girl-toy pages from 1950 through 1969. Girls' Toys and its companion book Boys' Toys are two in a series of Sears catalog re-issues.
This 8 1/2 x 11" softcover book's 192 pages illustrate hundreds of now-collectible toys and dolls: Barbi and Ken, Shirley Temple, Lucy and Desi's Little Ricky, Betsy Wetsy and Troy Tears dolls, dollhouses and accessories, kid-sized kitchens, tea sets, dress-up outfits, bicycles, games and movie-TV-themed toys from Mary Poppins to the Flintstones. Included is a commentary on the toys, their manufacturers and historical relevance. Particular attention is paid to the manner in which young girls' toys were marketed, often perceived as negative messages in these enlightened times.
Put on your Dale Evans Cowgirl Hat and settle in for hours of fond childhood memories. Girls' Toys is fun reading for anybody... male or female... toy fan or not. It's an invaluable reference source for serious collectors and history buffs, too.
-- Jam-packed with warm and happy childhood memories. Hundreds ofphotographs and illustrations with accompanying commentary
-- A "must have" reference volume for all toy, antique and memorabilia enthusiasts
From the Atlantic Coast to the Caspian Sea Stuart Piggott. of Homer's time or in the far - off western Bronze Age , but ceremony , parade and display are another matter . Buchner ( 1979 ) has drawn attention to the legend , recorded by ...
... MD New York City George F. Boutros President and CEO Matthew G. L'Heureux Managing Director Cell Therapeutics ... Slate , Meagher & Flom LLP Los Angeles Helane L. Morrison Assistant District Administrator San Francisco District ...
The book highlights the critical interplay of domestic and international policies and underscores the need for policymakers to achieve greater complementarity between their domestic and international economic policies.
The Golden Compasses: A History and Evaluation of the Printing and Publishing Activities of the Officina Plantiniana at Antwerp
Annotation Rarely does a family make and remake a fortune. Craig McCaw's father literally ran his multimillion-dollar radio and television business out of his hat, and when he died suddenly...
Getting the exact job you want with the company you want is either highly improbable or a cinch. It's highly improbable if you play by the old rules, a cinch...
At the Hardman site, on the Saline Bayou in the Ouachita River valley of Arkansas, nearly 1,000 features were uncovered: postmold outlines of structures, an encircling compound fence and other...
This fascinating book, now available as a new edition, looks at the development of the shoe from the early 1700s. Virtually every conceivable style of footwear is examined and put...
內容簡介在現代社會環境下投資創業,事實上就是創造力的競爭。富人往往能夠充分發揮主觀的判斷,通過突破思維的固定模式,從「無」中生出「有」來,以致給自己帶來滾滾財源。 拿破崙•希爾曾講過這樣一個故事—?很久以前,一位年邁的鄉村醫生駕著馬車到了一個小鎮,他把馬拴好之後,悄悄地鑽進一家藥店,和一位年輕店員商談一樁祕密生意。 一個多小時後,店員跟著醫生走近馬車,帶回一個老式大銅壺。店員經過一番檢查後,掏出一卷鈔票遞給老醫生,這500美元是年輕店員的全部積蓄。 老醫生便給店員一張寫好配方的小紙條。小紙條的價值究竟有多大,老醫生自己不清楚。這個奇妙配方將創造多少大的奇蹟,年輕店員也無太多把握。 後來,店員遇到了一位年輕美麗的姑娘,他請她品嘗了銅壺中的飲料後,姑娘讚不絕口,再後來,這位姑娘成了年輕店員的妻子。更重要的是,他們一起用那位老醫生的配方生產飲料,創造了巨大的財富。 這種飲料就是當今風靡全世界的可口可樂。激發創造力,就要讓腦子多走些路,突破思維定勢。要想獲得利潤,必須長於思索,善於發現。這樣,才能夠不斷地搶佔商機。 思維定勢對人們思考問題顯然有很多好處。它能使思考者省去許多摸索、試探的思維步驟,不走或少走彎路,大大縮短思考的時間,提高思維的效率,還能使思考者在思考過程中感到駕輕就熟,輕鬆愉快。 思維定勢在日常工作和生活中的作用更是不可低估。有人曾估計說,思維定勢可以幫助人們解決每天所碰到的90%以上的問題。思維定勢卻不利於創新思考。而經商必須要創新思考。只有創新思考才能解決在經商過程中所遇到的新問題,才能對舊有的問題作出新的解決方式。 創新思考最主要的是突破思維定勢。突破定勢作為一種創新思考方法是指在思考有待創新的問題時,能打破常規的思考路徑,獨闢蹊徑地找出解決問題的方法。這就是所謂的別出心裁。 在日本川崎市有一家叫做「岡田屋」的百貨公司。在其他商店只能勉強維持的時候,岡田屋卻長期保持利潤增長,業務不斷擴展,銷售額年年增加。這是為什麼呢?原來這家商店的老闆在長期的經營活動中善於觀察,創造出許多與眾不同的經營策略和行銷戰術。 在商業零售中,常常有因零錢不足而找不開錢的問題。岡田屋百貨公司早在一九六一年就想出了一個解決問題的辦法,既解決了零錢不足的問題,又招徠了顧客。這個辦法就是在百貨公司門口營業廳的收款台處設立一個個「抽獎處」,顧客每支付1日元就可獲一次抽獎的機會。顧客購物時往往要求不用找零,而用零錢抽獎。 這種別出心裁的手法,不但滿足了顧客用小錢獲大獎的投機心理,而且本身也為商店增加了又一筆收入。商店恰恰抓住了顧客心理,每個顧客都樂於到這個公司來購物和碰運氣。這是一種別出心裁的經營點子,是一種智力致富。投資、做生意就得讓腦子多走些路。 金錢從來就不會分辨善惡,它可以和每個人交朋友,所以,只要你會了富人的理財方式,你就可以當家做主了。
This edition covers every major aspect of pressure vessel design and provides up-to-date requirements given in ASME, ASCE, UBC, and AISC codes. The well-respected manual offers page after page of...