Lophodermium schweinitzii M. Wilson & N.F. Robertson Coccomyces rhododendri ( Schwein . ) Sacc . non Rehm , hom . illeg . Hysterium rhododendri Schwein . Lophodermina rhododendri ( Schwein . ) Tehon Lophodermium rhododendri ( Schwein . ) ...
Mushrooms of Sikkim: I. Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary
This is a version of Poisonous Plants in Britain and their Effects on Animals and Man by Marion C.Cooper and Anthony W.Johnson, with a text written more for the layman....
British Fungus Flora: Agarics and Boleti
... Rhododendron in Cangshan Mountain , Yunnan Province , China . Front . Microbiol . 13 : 1016782 . doi : 10.3389 / fmicb.2022.1016782 COPYRIGHT 2022 Gu , Bao , Shen , Su , Li and Luo . This is an open - access article distributed under ...
Monograph of Monochaetia and Pestalotia
Supersedes 1st edition which bore the title "Poisonous plants in Britain & their effects on animals and man" (1981, ISBN 0112425291). - No public library subsidy available on this item
This is the first book dedicated to the interactions of non-mycorrhizal microbial endophytes with plant roots.
Can J. Bot 65:962–971 Higuchi T, Shimada M, Watanabe K 1967 Studies on the mechanism of heartwood formation. VI. On the artificial heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica and Pinus densiflora. Mokuzai Gakkaishi 13:274–279 Hillis WE, ...
This book relates the story of the battle against fungi from the year the potato blight struck Europe (1845) up to 1940. It chronicles, step by step, the battle of...
Use the current information in this manual to maintain and grow healthy nursery plant stock. Coverage includes diagnosis and control of more than 65 ornamental crops (shrubs, ground covers and...