"Alabama Gardener's Guide" offers state-specific information on the what, when, where, why and how of Alabama gardening rather than generic regional or national information other publications contain.
Homeowners are realizing the health benefits derived from gardening and the increase in their home's property value. This book contains easy-to-use advice on the top landscape plant choices.
This book offers advice on everything from starting your garden from seed, to planning your garden with helpful space saving techniques.
Many large-growing annuals like spider flower, sunflowers, zinnias, and Mexican sunflower can be sown directly in the ... Seeds are inexpensive and cosmos, cleome, Mexican sunflower, portulaca, sunflower, and zinnia can all be seeded ...
Southern Gardener's Handbook: Your Complete Guide : Select, Plan, Plant, Maintain, Problem-solve - Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee
Contains monthly advice on what to do and when to do it in the garden. The book contains 12 plant categories ranging from annuals to vines.
Homeowners are realizing the health benefits derived from gardening and the increase in their home's property value. This book contains easy-to-use advice on the top landscape plant choices.
The Alabama Fruit & Vegetable Book is written by the highly popular gardening experts Walter Reeves and Felder Rushing. Contains advice for plant fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Author Nellie Neal explains how to best use tropical plants both indoors and out. To make this book a universally useful guide, it is organized to explain how to grow tropical plants in a wide range of clearly defined zones.
The Well-Tended Perennial Garden: The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques. 3rd ed. Portland, OR: Timber Press. Hartman, John, Thomas Pirone, and Mary Ann Sall. 2000. Pirone's Tree Maintenance. 7th ed.
Gardening is now the favorite leisure pastime in America. Homeowners are realizing the health benefits derived from gardening and the increase in their home's property value. Book retailers are well...