In this successor volume to the 10 previous editions of his 1983-2005 book Landlords' Rights & Duties in Florida, attorney/investor Mark Warda adds practical advice on successful landlording, including asset protection techniques, tax tips and other tricks he has learned “in the trenches” as a landlord and attorney.For almost 30 years Florida landlords called his first book their bible for being a landlord, but since the publisher stopped issuing updates he put together a new book, completely up to date with new chapters on practical matters that landlords deal with.It includes all Florida Statutes relating to landlord tenant matter, Florida court cases, flow charts, and 66 ready-to-use forms based on the author's 37 years experience and research! It covers every aspect of being a landlord, including: •Finding the right property •Making a plan for success •Finding the right tenants •Protecting your assets •Knowing the rules •Ending a tenancy •Evicting a tenant •After a tenancy •Tax rules & loopholes ... and more This book includes 67 useful forms, including: •Tenant application •Lease addendums •Approved eviction forms •Tenant credit check approval •Amendment forms •Advanced motion forms •Leases and rental agreement •Required notices •Court stipulation •Numerous management forms •Bad check form •Final Judgments In these days of over-regulation and share-the-wealth policies, it's important for landlords to know their legal rights and this book provides what they need to know.
This guide explains the legal framework within which a housing manager is working on any given case, demonstrating the options available in the management of a tenancy.
Rooming House Resident's Handbook: A Guide for Victorian Rooming House Residents
' This new edition has been extensively revised and updated, and takes on the latest developments in the field, including important new case law, such as Artists Court Collective Ltd v. Khan (2016).
From choosing a property and the right tenant to financing, maintenance, and how to get the greatest return on a rental investment, this guide is the most comprehensive and up-to-date book for anyone looking to profit from both residential ...
EXAMPLE 3 Laurie gives Dean a 30-day notice on June 10, after Dean paid his June rent (due on June 1) nine days late. Because the 30-day notice will terminate Dean's tenancy on July 10, Dean will only owe rent for the first ten days of ...
The Landlords' and Tenants' Handbook: A Guide to the Letting of Residential Property
Arizona Rental Rights: A Guide Book for Tenants, Landlords and Mobile Home Users
5.01 H2; 5.04[7] H82; 8.04[8][c] H84 N \Iash v. Washington, 360 A.2d 510 (DC. 1976) . ... 3.03[4][C] H94—H99 \Ieale V. Clautice, 7 H. & J. 372 (1826) ....... .. 9.06[5] H123 \Ieedy V. ... Montgomery County, 1989 U.S. App. LEXIS 11467 .
Casos prácticos inquilinarios: doctrina, jurisprudencia, formularios
Residential Landlord/Tenant Benchbook