Following the battle of Gettysburg, hundreds of relief workers from the United States Christian Commission rushed to care for the wounded & dying soldiers. This book tells about their work within the religious & theological currents of the day.
Two young Indiana soldiers participate in the battle of Gettysburg; one is wounded and forced to rely on the help of two young women living in Gettysburg.
"Todd Jefferson leaves home to join the army, believing he would find fame and glory.
It was a sign; she would be stepping on her land in minutes. She hummed the tune again. This fairy would never have to hide again, and her wings would land her on the soil of her home. Walking the boat's plank to the pebbled ground, ...
God help us all , butchery awaits , though I won't admit it much beyond myself . . .. and what of Trimble now ? off there so hurried , so swiftly passing by . Obedient soldier that he is in every single way , yet , still I pause to ...
Their Deeds Are Their Monuments: Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Dedication of the West Virginia Monuments at Gettysburg, 1898-1998
Another of Jacksons former division commanders. he now commanded the armys new corps. It included Major General R.H. Anderson s division from Longstreets corps, and two divisions built from Hills own large division and now commanded by ...
"Men, fix bayonets!
Harold Cooper was pesky for the rest of the afternoon. He kept Betsy running to fetch him different items: a book, another blanket, more water, and paper for letters. She went sweetly, but, after several hours, she was ready to quit.
Top Ten at Gettysburg
The first volume in the "Ghosts of Gettysburg" book series was released in October 1991. Mr. Nesbitt started collecting ghost stories from Gettysburg in the early 1960s.