现代生活中,每个人都有不同程度的心理压力。适度的压力能激励人奋发向上,而压力过大则容易引发心理问题,使人产生心理障碍,甚至患上心理疾病、精神疾病。现代医学证明, ...
In S. Chipman , J. Segal , & R. Glaser ( Eds . ) , Thinking and learning skills : Research and open questions . Hillsdale , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates . Diamond , A. ( 1991 ) . Neuropsychological insights into the meaning Beck ...
This report assesses the U.S. military's approach to reducing stigma for mental health disorders and their treatment, how well it is working, and how it might be improved. It presents...
One of sociology's most important missions is giving voice to those whose experiences are typically otherwise blunted, marginalized, or simply ignored. Featuring memorable, first-person accounts of mentally ill individuals, Voices...
Adventure Therapy: Therapeutic Applications of Adventure Programming
Dimensions of Psychoanalysis
This exceptional new edition continues to provide a comprehensive description of occupational therapy and relevant psychological, social, and cognitive theories, plus “real-life” examples that contribute to the reader’s understanding ...
Frames of Reference in Psychosocial Occupational Therapy
Crowding and Behavior
Human Response to Crowding