Demonstrates how GPS technology can become a guide to Western gem trails focusing on the best collecting sites in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana and several additional states. Each state area begins with an introduction and a highway map and the north latitude and west longitude along with the section/township/range, and 7.5 minute quadrangles sheet and jurisdiction are provided for each collecting site. A total of 1,360 locations are available to choose from.
Google Earth® and GPS Science Classroom Activities
This sequel to the best-selling Pathfinder GPS for Walkers is packed full of information on using and walking with GPS in Western Europe. Also written by Clive Thomas, this is your essential companion to walking safely in Europe.
Studies in the Determination of Phase Centre Variations in Conical, Global Positioning System Receiver Antennae Using the Method of Least...
The Weekend Navigator: Simple Boat Navigation Using GPS and Electronics
Accompanying CD-ROM contains a number of GPS data sets from several sites. A set of homework problems requires the student to write simple MATLAB code to analyze these data.
本书作者结合科研和生产实践对GPS 技术从理论角度作了详尽的阐述,主要内容有:概论、卫星大地测量基础、GPS 系统的信号和接收机的基本工作原理等内容。