This guide for parents of school-age children with Down syndrome begins where Kumins previous book Early Communication Skills leaves off. The author, a speech-language pathologist with more than thirty years of experience, and a popular presenter at parent and professional conferences, provides a comprehensive overview of speech and language issues that come into play at home, school, and in the community from kindergarten through middle-school years. She covers a wide range of abilities from kids who are scarcely verbal to those with strong communication skills and provides many case studies to illustrate typical problems and how to work through them. HELPING CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME COMMUNICATE BETTER explains the factors that comprise speech and language and points to the areas that can be more difficult for children with Down syndrome. Parents learn about the evaluation process the requirements defined by special education law; how to advocate for testing, as well as details about the evaluation itself and what it can reveal. Chapters on treatment options detail how speech-language pathologists can help children improve specific skills, and offers dozens of home activities, games and practical ways to teach skills during daily tasks such as cooking or shopping. Treatment also focuses on fine tuning skills necessary for different settings school, home and the community how to improve conversational skills, and when to consider assistive technology (communication boards, sign language, and picture communication systems). This practical, user-friendly guide gives parents the knowledge and confidence they need to help their child communicate better.
This third edition of EARLY COMMUNICATION SKILLS features expanded information on the needs of children with apraxia, dual diagnosis of autism and Down syndrome, and updated terminology and information on special education law.
This guide provides a wealth of information about speech and language development in children with Down syndrome. Parents learn what to expect as communication skills progress from infancy through early...
Covers every aspect of a child's language needs from kindergarten through middle school.
People with Down syndrome are living longer, fuller lives than ever before --and now for the first time ever, there's a comprehensive, reader-friendly book on the social, clinical, legal, and...
When the first edition of Teaching with the Brain in Mind was published in 1998, it quickly became an ASCD best-seller, and it has gone on to inspire thousands of educators to apply brain research in their classroom teaching.
Woodhouse, J.M., Pakeman, V.H., Cregg, M., Saunders, K.J., Fraser, W.I., Sastry, P., & Lobo, S. (1997). Refractive errors in young children with Down syndrome. Optometry and Vision Science, 74, 844—851. Dyken, M.E, Lin—Dyken, D.C, ...
This module provides a programme of activities and advice designed to assist the development of speech and language skills for children with Down syndrome from birth to five years.
Monica Powell , Maria Dantas at OSU , Carolyn Glass in Pittsburgh , and the staff of the Discovery Center in Ohio spent several years applying the model to classrooms . The goal was to shift the classroom focus from a cognitive ...
The previously separate titles Cued Articulation and Cued Vowels are now combined and updated, with this edition covering consonants, vowels, demonstrative images, and full color coding throughout.
Shows parents how to help their child communicate and learn language during everyday activities.