Bound by blood, but not always by love, a sibling can be your friend or rival, defender or detractor--sometimes simultaneously! But whats the impact on that bond when one sibling has a disability? In this thought-provoking essay collection, thirty-nine adult siblings reflect on how their lives have been indelibly shaped by their relationship with a brother or sister with special needs. Edited by Don Meyer, creator of Sibshops and an expert on sibling issues, Thicker Than Water reveals both positive and negative aspects of growing up with someone who might have received the lions share of his parents attention or who now requires extra support as an adult. These compelling essays express a diverse range of sibling experiences and attitudes. Contributors range in age from 20 to 70 and have siblings whose disabilities include Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, seizures, visual impairment, fragile-X syndrome, intellectual disability, or mental illness. Several essays demonstrate how experiences vary based on a writers age and generation. Many older contributors grew up when disabilities were stigmatized; younger contributors can attest to changing attitudes and greater acceptance of people with differences. Some contributors have chosen to work in a disability field or service profession and credit their siblings for influencing their career choices; others have pursued dreams far removed from a disability field. This absorbing collection offers other siblings the catharsis of discovery and shared experiences. Thicker Than Water provides fascinating reading for siblings, parents, caregivers, and anyone who shares a long-term relationship with a person with special needs orwonders what that experience may be like. A common element in all of the essays is honesty. A sibling writes...I did the usual things kids do while growing up--had friends--just never brought them home. Participated in Girl Scouts and cheerleading--just never had my family at events. Did Mom sense my embarrassment at having a brother with multiple disabilities--one whod whoop and strike the air with his fist at inappropriate times? (Is there an appropriate time? Football games?) Or was she ashamed of his behavior and I absorbed this shame? Because shame it was. I was ashamed of Jimmy. There. I wrote it. (Cant quite say it, though.) I was ashamed and now Im ashamed of my shame.
Mary Pope Osborne is a master of bringing faraway places to life. In Carnival at Candlelight she sends young readers to one of the most glorious cities in the world for an adventure filled with history, mystery, and magic.
Jack and his younger sister take a trip in their tree house back to the prehistoric past.
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Naniya chuan qi: The chronicles of Narnia. Zui hou yi zhan
Peter Pan: 彼得·潘 /詹姆斯·马修·巴里
Text and photographs record a five-year-old as he awaits the birth of the family's new baby and enjoys her afterward.
When a new baby arrives, it might seem that all she does is sleep and eat. But babies are fascinating. What does baby babble mean? What games do they enjoy? And what are they trying to say when they cry (as they so often do )?
It was the size of a car , but curled up , with a hawk's head and the body of a lion . Its flank was streaked with red . “ What do you see ? " “ A griffin , ” said Jared . “ It's hurt . ” “ What's a griffin ?