This is the Century of the brain and the mind. The technologies that have advanced, under cover of secrecy and national security, now have the power to either enslave us or free us to our higher potentials. These technologies will impact our consciousness itself and as a result require an invigorated public debate, in the light of day. At the same time, there is hope and great possibility in these areas of science. The first part of this book deals with the sinister side of Controlling the Human Mind with the second part exploring the possibilities that are emerging with new brain and mind enhancing technologies. The greatest threats and the greatest possibilities reside within the core of who we are and what happens in the center of our minds, the seat of our souls. This is the most important book yet released from the research efforts of Dr. Nick Begich
Enzyme Catalysis and Control
This process of bacterial cell to cell communication is called quorum sensing. The work in this dissertation examined the role of the downstream regulators of the quorum sensing pathway in V. parahaemolyticus colonization and fitness.
A survey of how engineering techniques from control and systems theory can be used tohelp biologists understand the behavior of cellular systems.
In fact, the cause is unknown in the vast majority of cases. This work is an exploration of the unconscious psychic background of acute, but mainly chronic, skin diseases.
Control theory; The rudiments of linear systems analysis; More powerful methods of analysis of linear systems; Linear feedback systems; Matrix methods in the analysis of linear systems; Nonlinear systems; The analysis of nonlinear feedback ...
The Female Body in Control: How the Control Mechanisms in a Woman's Physiology Make Her Special