Pure Immanence collects the essays of Gilles Deleuze on a complex theme at the heart of his philosophy. In his last piece of writing, included here, Deleuze gives a simple name to this problem: “a life.” Newly translated and gathered in one volume for the first time, the essays in Pure Immanence capture Deleuze’s persistent search throughout his philosophical work for a new and superior form of empiricism that rethinks the relation of thought to life. “I have always felt,” writes Deleuze, “that I am an empiricist, that is, a pluralist.”
Announced in his very first book on David Hume, then pursued in his early studies of Nietzsche and Bergson and in his later “clinical” essays, the issue of an “empiricist conversion” was central to Deleuze’s thinking, in particular to his aesthetics and his conception of the art of cinema. For Deleuze, such a conversion, such an empiricism, such a new art and will-to-art were, in fact, what was most needed in the new regime of communication and information-machines.
The last, seemingly minor question of “a life” is thus inseparable from Deleuze’s striking image of philosophy not as a wisdom we already possess, but as a pure immanence of what is yet to come. Pure Immanence exposes the new and urgent problems such a philosophy confronts today, one whose most difficult task, the invention of “a life,” has yet to be achieved.
行走世间,唯有淡定不破:遇事不慌、遇人不躁,拥有淡定、优雅的心,你,就可以重生!——美国心灵教父戴尔 ...
信息化的社会虽然给人们带来了不少的便利,但随之而来的心理问题和知识焦虑也越来越严重。要想在高焦虑、高压力的社会生活中保持清醒和高效,我们要学会用一种简单的思维方 ...
莫內斯提爾以誠諧且具洞察力的筆觸寫下這本空前絕後的獨特史書,用獨特角度來看塑造並影響個人、群體的道德風俗、感受、廉恥、社會規範的文明進程。 ... 16 作者註:丹尼爾,康納曼,這位認知心理學與行為經濟學的專家在普林斯頓工作。這本熱情洋溢且貢獻卓越 ...
Sandler , Todd , and John T . Tschirhart . 1980 . " The Economic Theory of Clubs : An Evaluative Survey . " Journal of Economic Literature 18 : 1481 - 521 . Scheffler , Israel . 1967 . Science and Subjectivity .
Franz Overbeck war einer der gro en Denker des 19.
The definitive edition of HPB's writings in 15 extensive volumes.
40669-5 OLD QUEENS , N.Y. , IN EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS , Vincent F. Seyfried and William Asadorian . Over 160 rare photographs of Maspeth ... 40903-1 THE BOOK OF THE SWORD , Sir Richard F. Burton . Great Victorian scholar / adventurer's ...
This work contains the keystone of his critical philosophy - the basis of human knowledge and truth.
E. Warren; On Aristotle's Categories, trans. S. Strange. Neoplatonic Philosophy, ed. J. Dillon and L. P. Gerson. Syrian School Iamblichus School ofAthens (closed byJustinian in 529 C.E.) Plutarch ofAthens, founder (circa 350–433 c.e.) ...
Political Disaffection Among British University Students : Concepts , Measurement , and Causes , by Jack Citrin and David J. Elkins . ( $ 2.00 ) 24. Urban Inequality and Housing Policy in Tanzania : The Problem of Squatting , by Richard ...