This book contains everything you need to know to succeed in life and have fun doing it, and when it comes to keeping your hard-earned cash, we think it's your right to keep as much of it as you can. That's where this book can come in handy. To give you the inside scoop on how to make the most of your money and your life, we interviewed experts from finance to fashion to discover what secrets they've been keeping in the dark. Plus, we searched through bookstores, magazines, and computer databases to bring you the most useful information we could find. Over 1,265 money saving secrets are included, plus tips on cashing in on collectibles, living safe in a scary world; computer know-how; simple car care; homeowner how-to; and much, much more.
The Complete Guide to Digestive Health: Plain Answers about IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Ulcers, and More
Describes the building blocks of nutrition and offers advice on foods to eat and avoid for specific health problems and diseases.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
And you won't believe what you can do with baking soda, bananas, and so much more! Don't miss hundreds of the "best of the best" health and household secrets revealed in this fun, money-saving, health-boosting book!
If you enjoy working with wood you'll love this incredible resource for delightful and practical projects for your home and garden.
William D. Adams, Lois Trigg Chaplin ... 55 Adina (Adina rubella), 116, 121 Afghan Pine (Pinus eldarica), 134, 143 Agapanrhus, 22 Agarista (Agarista populifolia), 117, 120, 121 Agarita (Berberis m'foliolata), 113, 116, 120, 121, 125, ...
Every day when I went out to the garden , along with the usual arsenal of tools I packed a notebook and pencil , a yardstick and two books : Taylor's Guide to Perennials and the Golden Guide to Wildflowers of North America .
The Country Garden: Ideas for Gardening in a Natural Style
Embracing English perennial beds, French intensive techniques, antique roses, heirloom vegetables, alternative lawns, and a bedrock philosophy of working within the ecosystem, THE BOOK OF OUTDOOR GARDENING is a fully illustrated guide to ...
The adaptability of water allows it to be used in any garden, formal or informal, on any scale from a tiny tub to a pool. This full-color guide covers all aspects of water gardens from design and building to wildlife and plants.