Ottis Media in Young Children : Medical , Developmental , & Educational Considerations , 1946 Our Brother Has Down ... 5923 Pearlman Biomedical Research Institute , 5154 Pearson Education , 1774 , 2975 Pedal - in - Place Exerciser ...
A status report on independent living programs produced by the Independent Living Leadership Strategies Project from a conference held in East Lansing, Michigan in August 1982, funded under the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Grant No. 81 ...
Eimai xechōristē-
This book is intended for educators, students, and practitioners.
Employment for Disabled People
Dennis Dennis is a thirty - eight - year - old steelworker who injured his back carrying steel coils . He was unable to work at all for six months , during which time he was fully covered by his “ any occupation ” disability policy .
... people . There follows a description of IBM- supported projects on the placement and employment of disabled persons in Denmark , Italy , the United Kingdom and the United States . These four programmes ... employment of disabled persons.
Examines the challenges of being in a wheelchair, discussing why some people cannot walk and how those who use a wheelchair function at school, at home, in sports, and going to work.
The Last Civil Rights Movement: Disabled Peoples' International
Text by Albert Tricot