The Juvenile Justice System: Law and Process

The Juvenile Justice System: Law and Process
The Juvenile Justice System
Law / Criminal Law / General
Roxbury Publishing Company
Joseph B. Sanborn, Anthony W. Salerno


Juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice are two essential topics in the criminal justice curriculum. Sanborn and Salerno's The Juvenile Justice System: Law And Process is dedicated solely to explaining juvenile justice. This text explores the many differences between the juvenile justice and the criminal justice systems, both those that benefit youths and those that are arguably unfair to them. The book concentrates, describes, and explains the unique traits of juvenile justice and what makes it so different from criminal justice. The Juvenile Justice System specifically addresses what actually happens during the court process, devoting an entire chapter to the adjudicatory hearing as well as all other major decision-making stages. A unique feature is its in-depth coverage of plea bargaining. Also featured are topics such as parental role in the juvenile justice system, school searches, and the origin of juvenile court. several chapters, detailing how many youths have been affected by various decisions made in the juvenile justice system (such as arrest, detention, transfer to adult court, adjudication, being placed on probation, or committed to residential placement). In addition, the appendices identify juvenile justice standards for all 50 states and Washington, DC, as well as the federal jurisdiction. These standards apply to all decisions made within the juvenile justice system, including arrest, detention, diversion, intake, transfer, adjudication, disposition, and postdispositional stages. The text is written in a conversational, reader-friendly style. Each chapter describes and analyzes, step by step, what young alleged offenders experience in each successive stage of the court process. For each chapter, outlines of key terms and concepts aid student comprehension and serve as a starting point for class discussion. Each chapter also features discussion questions designed to stimulate students' critical thinking. A comprehensive Instructor's Manual/Testing Program is available. of the book.

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