In MindMeld, Jon D. Aleckson and Penny Ralston-Berg draw on a great many years of experience in educational technology to describe how the benefits of learning from an accomplished expert (a professor, for instance) can be translated into an online format. Industry professionals know that the online format presents an opportunity for highly interactive pedagogy, a pedagogy by which students synchronize learning with doing, replicating the information-processing habits that come from real-life work in the field. According to Aleckson, the key to creating an ideal eLearning product is to meet the challenge of micro-collaboration. In order to develop sophisticated online learning activities, we must find a way to convey the tacit knowledge of someone with real-life experience using the tools of software design. This requires us to micro-collaborate: individuals with very different backgrounds and very different skills sets have to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. It may sound simple, but anyone who has labored on an eLearning project knows otherwise. In MindMeld, Aleckson and Ralston-Berg take us step by step through the leadership, management, and communication strategies that make effective micro-collaboration possible, using stories of actual projects to illustrate his points. In addition, they provide a collection of documentation tools to assist in keeping an eLearning project on spec, on time, and on budget. This concise, readable volume contextualizes each aspect of eLearning development and highlights the ways in which different team members interact. It will prove invaluable to readers in both the business and academic worlds. As a bonus to readers, the authors have created an exciting set of "tools" for helping conceptualize and implement the process
Irvine, J., and B. Martin. 1984. Foresight in Science. Pinter. Irvine, J., and B. Martin. 1985. “Basic Research in the East and West: A Comparison of the Scientific Performance of High Energy Physics Accelerators.
"This book will help readers gain a better understand of the many challenges and opportunities facing universities and higher education institutions as they endeavour to create and maintain the entrepreneurial university gaining some ...
This book is an authoritative confirmation of the critical role that knowledge plays in economic transformation. It is an indispensable roadmap for new research programmes and a guidepost for policy makers around the world.
The book investigates the definition of the theoretical basis and the operationalisation of the triple helix system of innovation in the context of developing countries.
Contributed articles on the industrial innovations in university academics in Asia.
Explores ideas related to forging effective academia-industry relationships and partnerships so members of the field can begin a dialogue designed to foster communication and collaboration among academics and industry practitioners in ...
Üçlü sarmal işbirliğine dayalı inovasyon model üretimi: Türkiye örneği
This book will be valuable reading for advanced students, researchers and policy makers working in economic geography, regional development, innovation and higher education management"--
... Johann Reinhold's The Resolution Journal. The latter, edited by Michael Hoare, was not published until 1982.9 Georg Forster's book has, since its publication, drawn much criticism. William Wales, the astronomer of the expedition ...
However, this shared interest must also navigate the existence of an academic-practitioner divide. This book provides a range of international approaches to navigate the academic-practitioner divide.