On a quiet, dead-end residential street on the outskirts of Omaha, Nebraska sits an old house called Tanglewood. In its front yard a large old ash tree casts its shadow across shrubs and flowerbeds and a lawn that have all long ago surrendered any pretense of life. But inside the House are the Doors. Doors too numerous to count. Doors made of the wood from Yggdrasil, the great Norse World Tree that stands at the center of the universe. Doors that lead to every time and every place that ever was-or ever could be. Provided you are one of the rare few with the gift, a child with the ability to step through such Doors to the other side. Provided you are a Latchkey, capable of becoming one of the Wardens, the protectors of Tanglewood and its Doors. Then-disaster! Tanglewood's connection to the World Tree is somehow broken. And many of its Doors disappear, sent spinning out across time and space with no rhyme or reason, leaving behind only the flimsiest of shadows. Now the young Wardens must find and return the missing Doors. But many of them have splintered from the impact. Those missing pieces must be restored before the Doors can be returned. And Splinters can be anywhere and assume any form. Almost like they don't want to be found. Read all about the Latchkeys and their exciting, thrilling, spooky adventures to places that were, places that might have been, and places that almost could be!
Meanwhile, most of the influential people in the colonies were trapped at St. Lawrence, at the mercy of John Rowan's guard." “St. Lawrence?" Sasha repeated. "Didn't Juliana's mother give her St. Lawrence?" Thomas nodded.
Elle vit son poing se resserrer sur son butin et son air soudain farouche. La jeune fille ne se laissa pas décourager : — N'aie pas peur, je ne vais pas te l'enlever. Prends le temps de mâcher, tu vas t'étouffer.
The Atlas of the Land
A new high fantasy triumph continuing the amazing story of two friends, king and sorcerer, in an age of wizardry. The Galasien Books are a legend in the making, an epic saga of ancient magic and the power of destiny.
The shaman raised his eyes tothefires etched in the skies and then waved his hands one over the other until a glowingorb of brilliant white appeared. Within theorb was a face, theface of a woman young in heryears, though still older ...
One man's search for understanding of the life he made for himself while pursuing his theory that there is more than one history of the world.
Cursed in her cradle by a vengeful fairy queen, Princess Fairuza of Arbore thought her fate was secure in the hands of her betrothed--until he chose another as his bride.
" ... the concluding novel in S.L. Farrell's epic fantasy trilogy of Nessantico ... As 'A Magic of Dawn' opens fifteen years have passed since the events of 'A Magic of Nightfall'.
He has no memory of what happened, what his name is, who he is. The few survivors he meets also share the same memory loss. Confused, they travel the one undamaged road towards the truth, guided only by The Voice.
Awarded the One Stop Fiction 5-star Book Award for excellent reads, Readers' Favorite 5-star review, IHIBRP Recommend Read 5-star Award and Our Author Gang's Best Children's Cover Award Daniel Green is a typical ten-year-old boy with just ...