Comprehensive book for college students and professions on using technology in physical education. Also, includes information on using technology in health education and sport.
When children are respected for their contributions , they will in turn provide the effort and enthusiasm to make the program a success . SELECTED REFERENCES ANDERSON , M. H .; ELLIOT , M. E .; and LABERGE , J. J. Play with a ...
According to Cremin ( see References ) , Dewey himself did not join this organization , although upon Eliot's death in 1926 he accepted the honorary presidency . The excesses of followers of his philosophy who came to control the ...
The seventh edition of Camp Counseling continues in the successful tradition of the six previous editions, emphasizing face-to-face leadership skills and programming ideas for the organized camp. In addition, the...
Making Kinesthetic Sense provides theoretical and practical guidance on teaching creative dance, particularly in educational settings. It is both a textbook for education courses and a resource for current teachers...
This classic "must have" is NDA's most popular publication. Includes locomotor/nonlocomotor movement, assessment, and interdisciplinary topics.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The New Physical Education for Elementary School Children
Fundamentals of Body Mechanics & Conditioning: An Illustrated Teaching Manual
Twenty-five specialists from the field of sports psychology contribute 26 chapters to this text for undergraduate students in sport psychology courses, which may also appeal to graduate students and fellow...
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport