... Which Came First ... Which came first , the chicken or the egg ? This is the question asked so often in relation to addiction . Does the abuse one puts his / her body through , over time , cause the disease and / or addiction ? Is it ...
The Night-Side of Nature
By investing just a few minutes each day, this classic guide to mindfulness will put you back in control of your life once again.
Windows to the Soul: Healing the Emotional Body
What's hiding in the woods' Here is the definitive account of today's nationwide sightings of upright, canine creatures ' which resemble traditional werewolves ' and a thorough exploration of the nature and possible origins of the ...
The Prosperous Heart
Like so many immigrants before her, Mitra Rahbar was challenged to find her way in an unfamiliar land.
John F. Barnes, PT, world-renowned therapist, author, visionary, and authority on Myofascial Release, weaves a fascinating story, taking you into his highly charged and intriguing world of authentic healing.
Drawing on nature's lessons, Dr. Levine teaches you each of the essential principles of his four-phase process: you will learn how and where you are storing unresolved distress; how to become more aware of your body's physiological ...
... emocional negativa de la gente que los rodea . Curiosamente , así nos comportamos todos los seres humanos . Este proceso empieza en la vida intrauterina , cuando primero el embrión y posteriormente el feto ab- sorben todo lo que la ...
By employing a range of exercises and tools with a body-orientated approach, we can enhance our mind-body connection and restore balance to our nervous system.