Did you ever notice how the bridge experts always seem to know where every card is? How their finesses always seem to succeed? How their guesses are nearly always perfect? This book won't teach you to play quite that well, but it will introduce you to some very simple techniques that the experts use on play and defense. As declarer or defender, counting the hand is the one thing that will help you the most. But how do you keep track of all those cards? This book will show you how - explaining the tricks of the trade, and helping anyone who can count to thirteen to become a much better player. Full of practical examples of how to apply the information you get from counting, this book is sure to improve your game.
16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 92pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 14.95 Easier Done Than Said Brilliancy at the Bridge Table by Prakash K. Paranjape 128pp . , PB Can $ 15.95 US $ 12.95 For Love or Money The ...
Astute readers will recognise allusions to the works of Hemingway, Conan Doyle, Dickens and others, while movie fans will enjoy the bridge versions of 'Citizen Kane', 'Casablanca' and 'Star Trek, TNG'.
12.95 US $ 9.95 Classic Kantar a collection of bridge humor by Eddie Kantar 192pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 14.95 Competitive Bidding in the 21st Century by Marshall Miles 254pp . , PB Can . $ 22.95 US . $ 16.95 Countdown to Winning ...
The author team that brought you the award - winning 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know is going to show you how to make ... Among his recent books are World Class ( 1999 ) , Countdown to Winning Bridge ( 1999 , with Tim Bourke ) ...
22.95 US $ 16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 92pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 14.95 Easier Done Than Said Brilliancy at the Bridge Table by Prakash K. Paranjape 128pp . , PB Can $ 15.95 US $ 12.95 For Love or ...
In fact , Lehrer later became an engineer for General Electric , Goldstein a mathematics professor , and Shapiro an eminent mathematician . “ I'll bet you're good at mathematics , ” Shapiro once said to me . “ I'm not in your league .
16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 192pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 15.95 Eddie Kantar teaches Topics in Declarer Play at Bridge by Eddie Kantar 240 pp . , PB Can $ 27.95 US $ 19.95 For Love or Money The Life of ...
"This book covers standard signaling methods on defense: attitude, count, suit preference, trump suit signals and Smith Echo.
16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 192 pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 14.95 Easier Done Than Said Brilliancy at the Bridge Table by Prakash K. Paranjape 128 pp . , PB Can $ 15.95 US $ 12.95 Eddie Kantar Teaches ...
22.95 US $ 16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 92pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 14.95 Easier Done Than Said Brilliancy at the Bridge Table by Prakash K. Paranjape 128pp . , PB Can $ 15.95 US ...