Since the earliest beginnings of the Christian Church, believers have gathered to worship God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They have expressed their faith by singing "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in their hearts to God" (Colossians 3:16). One of the best ways to learn about and enter into what Christians believe is to sing the classic, well-known, deeply-loved hymns of our tradition. In Unwearied Praises, readers are invited to reflect upon the experience of classic hymns as a doorway into the historic beliefs and spiritual insights that have defined Christianity for centuries. Each chapter includes Scripture references and questions for reflection, making this an excellent resource for a small group study or personal enrichment. "The current rediscovery of hymnology for worship will be greatly enhanced by this theologically astute yet highly practical volume of classic hymns. I hope, for the sake of the church's spiritual health, Unwearied Praises, will receive a wide readership." -Robert E. Webber, Author of Ancient-Future Faith and Blended Worship Jeffrey P. Greenman (Ph.D., Virginia) occupies the R.J. Bernardo Family Chair of Leadership at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. George R. Sumner (Ph.D., Yale) is Principal and the Helliwell Professor of Missions at Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto.
I Wake Refreshed
WILLIAM DUNN LONGSTAFF January 28 , 1822 - April 2 , 1894 he most loved hymn , Take Time To Be Holy , is the only hymn known to be written by this dedicated layman , William Dunn Longstaff , who was born in Sunderland , England , the ...
Buchanan, E. S., An early Latin song-book. New York, 1930. 13th C. Ms. Burgess, H., Select metrical hymns and homilies of Ephrem Syrus. London, 1855. Chambers, J. D., Divine worship in England in the 13th.
Robert Robinson had to because his dad passed away when Robert was only eight years of age . As soon as he was old enough , he got a job as an apprentice to a barber . Because of the hardship of having to be the breadwinner for his ...
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