Tracing a tendency away from the irony and cynicism that marked contemporary art of the 1980s and 1990s, this publication offers a sampling of complex works marked by what could be called "neo-sincerity." Artists and writers look at how emotions are expressed and manipulated in the name of art, the emotional exchange between artist, collaborator and viewer, and the difficulty of expression and generation of emotion in contemporary visual art. Ranging from pop music, YouTube, teen culture and self-help, the inspirations for these works are straight from our multifarious mainstream culture.
Looks at Wegman's paintings, drawings, photographs, and videos, and discusses his use of humor
Making Connections Across Art Forms
Features the best of the new crop of art school graduates, chosen through open submission.
"Unstuck in Time is a multi-format exhibition that explores how perceptions of time influence humankind's occupation of the earth and our relationship to each other.
Mary Fitzgerald
Against Grids: Paintings and Objects by Ian Dawson, Nick Mead, Katie Pratt
Dragica Milunovic
Canadian Participants: Alan Dunning, Holly King, Scott McFarland, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun.
Freeman and Cora Schoolcraft: A Tribute
Der Modeunternehmer Theo Wormland (1907-1983) baute ab den 1960er-Jahren eine der bedeutendsten Privatsammlungen des Surrealismus auf, die 2013 der Pinakothek der Moderne geschenkt und dort mit einer großen Sonderausstellung gewürdigt ...