Life, as we know it, will end. It’s not a thought that tends to occupy our minds when we are young and in full health and vigor. We take risks, some foolhardy. We live as though we were immortal. And then when we have our own children we are renewed and life is good. But we can’t look in the mirror every day without noticing subtle signs of change. We can’t lose a loved one without reflecting on the passage of time and being nagged by the question, “What is it in life that I have yet to accomplish?” Then it’s not a giant leap from asking that question about ourselves to wanting to know “What happens when I die?” Brian Stiller, author of When Life Hurts took on the task of answering this challenging question. Where is the proof that anything is going to happen after death? Why not just live life for the day, because that may be all there is? What Happens When I Die? is a journey toward understanding the nature of life after death, one that leads ultimately to the Scriptures and the promise given by God. It is a promise rooted in faith and joy. It is a promise that has everything to do with what we make of our life here on earth. What Happens When I Die? is not just about death, but about living a fulfilled, loving and caring life. The choice is ultimately ours to seek and God’s gift—or not. But the way had been prepared as this insightful and thought-provoking book affirms
Based on Echo’s personal experience of observing the souls of people nearing death and communicating with souls who have died, this comforting book shines light on the dying process and the afterlife.
That work has culminated in this extraordinary book, which picks up where Raymond Moody’s Life After Life left off. Written in a scientific, balanced, and engaging style, this is powerful and compelling reading.
Services to Close and Cancel Special Requests for my belongings MY SWAN SONG A note to the beneficiaries listed in my Will Last Thoughts Buy this What To Do When I Die Planner NOW (before it's too late)
In this informative and comforting book, Stiller explores significant questions about the afterlife, offering many perspectives and choices of beliefs about life and death, heaven and hell.
• A straightforward treatment of the only existential issue that matters from the Christian perspective • The author is a renowned preacher, esteemed homiletician, and well-published author In What Happens When We Die?
What Will Heaven Be Like? When Will Everything Be OK Again? Through her experience as a counselor, teacher, mother, and accomplished children’s author, Michaelene Mundy here offers a loving and truly helpful guide for kids.
This is an enhanced ebook with a read-along function.
A helpful guidebook answering one of humanity's most fundamental questions: What happens after I die? Summarizes the Bible's teaching on the meaning of death, the wonders of heaven, and the reality of hell.
Presents a brief description of death, heaven, and Christ's death and resurrection.
IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH?: The Extraordinary Science of what Happens when We Die