For decades, organized labour in Alberta (as across Canada and other Western economies) has sought to cope with the restructuring of labour markets in ways unfavourable to workers. The resulting pressure upon unions in Alberta has intensified in recent years, with threats of so called right-to-work legislation, the deepening of regressive labour laws, reductions in public sector pensions, an impending drain on union finances (through Bill C-377), and the use of aggressive bargaining tactics by the provincial government. Further, Albertans are often audience to a chorus of conservative forces demonizing the labour movement and advocating to further circumscribe union strength. This report examines the current state and impact of unions in Alberta. Recent trends in union membership and organizing indicate that organized labour in Alberta is in a precarious position. Especially worryingly, unionization in Alberta continues to be the lowest among Canadian provinces. Workers have a particularly difficult time becoming unionized in Alberta; applications to unionize are on the decline; and union members make up a shrinking percentage of the private sector workforce, leaving unionization in the province increasingly restricted to the public sector.
... 333 Anderson , Arthur H. , AIU attorney , 336 Anderson , Clifford , 372 Anderson , E. L. , 372 Anderson , Sydney , YRL leader ... findings of , 13 , 168 ; principles , 24 , 31 anti - Semitism , in Minneapolis , 336 A - P - L . 214.
Also included in this third edition is new bibliographical material and a regularly updated on-line link to an extended bibliographical essay.
Robert H. Zieger, Robert H.. Zieger. “ decent , uninspired picture ” of the good life . The war , in short , was to be the stepping - stone from Depression to Prosperity for worker and soldier , for Rosie the Riveter and GI Joe alike .
National Trade and Professional Associations of the United States
Step Forward, Speak Out: A History of the Independent Schools Salaried Officers' Association and the Independent Education Union in Western...
Covert Action Quarterly, No. 67 (Spring-Summer): 65-68. On-line at Clark, William. 2007. “Philanthropic Imperialism: the National Endowment for Democracy.” International Endowment for ...
40 B. Pearce , Early History of the Communist Party of Great Britain ( 1966 ) , pp . 28–31 , describes the policies of the CP in this ... 20–1 , and C. M. Lloyd , Trade Unionism ( 1921 ) , - pp . 62 , 121 . 51 TUC 1924 Report , p .
A book of essays and artist texts commemorating The Great Strike of 1917 and documenting the 1917: The Great Strike exhibition at Carriageworks. Published by Carriageworks in association with the City of Sydney.
Alexander , Darryl Alexander , David Alexander , Robin Alexander , Ronald C. Ali , Hafix M. Alioto , Neil Allen , Dennis L. . Allen , Doug Allen , Eugene Allen , James L. Allen , James W. . Alleruzo , John .
Feeling indebted to Hoffa, the story continued, Nixon attempted to persuade attorney general William Rogers not to bring the Hoffa indictment. As proof, Post columnist Drew Pearson characterized former congressman Allan Oakley Hunter as ...