A little girl needs new shoes. There are hundreds of pairs of shoes in the shoe store, but they're all the same dull brown or grey -- all except one pair. They're red. Bright red. Fire engine red! And they're exactly what the little girl wants. But how can she convince her mother and the skeptical sales clerk? Simple, lyrical text and charming watercolor illustrations combine to create a delightful picture book that shows how bright, colorful things can lift one's spirits. Set in the 1960s, this book also shows young readers the fashions of the era.
That Timothy! What ever has gotten into him! One morning he decides to accomplish the impossible -- to go an entire month without changing his socks. Ever. No matter what....
Simplified Chinese edition of Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett. In Simplified Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
Raymond Briggs’s funniest creation–the Boy Wonder of the Stone Age.This funny, sad, yet wonderfully life-affirming story is about a misunderstood boy genius who refuses to accept the limitations of the...
Wouldn't it be fun to trade places with your pet? A little boy tries the idea on for size with the help of a multilayered outfit and an obliging black...
This book features baby faces with silly things on their heads, such as a gift-wrap bow, stuffed animals, a fire hat, and a rubber ducky. This new mini-edition of the...
When Willie McPhee, the finest bagpipe player in all of Scotland, goes looking for customers who have a wee bit extra to spend on merriment, he finds more than he...
A spunky mouse plays make-believe with a wonderful assortment of hats--there's her flippy-floppy gardening hat, her spiffy spotless chef's hat, her fancy flowery tea-party hat, her shiny bright-red firefighter hat,...
Caps for Sale is a timeless classic, in print for over fifty years, and beloved by generations of readers.
Ingeniously reset in a tiny imaginary kingdom, The Emperor's New Clothes will delight and intrigue a multitude of new readers. With eloquence, humor, and extraordinary inventiveness, Angela Barrett draws the...