Some of these personal stories from doulas about their shared birthing experiences will give you goosebumps. Inspiring and diverse stories are contained in this beautiful anthology. Highly recommended for anyone interested in childbirth and new doulas in particular.
In Bearing Witness, the author tells how & why he started the Zen Peacemaker Order & offers powerful teaching stories that illustrate ways of making peace one moment at a...
Bearing Thorough Witness about God's Kingdom (Vol. 5)
To commemorate the opening of their new museum, Spelman College presents an unprecedented exhibition of the work of contemporary African American women artists.Twenty-five of the most outstanding African American women...
Bearing Witness While Black tells the story of this century's most powerful Black social movement through the eyes of 15 activists who documented it.
"Bearing Witness While Black: African Americans, Smartphones and the New Protest #Journalism tells the story of this century's most powerful Black social movement--through the eyes of 15 activists who documented it.
Bearing Witness is an inventive and moving work of cultural sociology that may be the most comprehensive sociological analysis of a literary system ever written.
Thomas A. McMillan provided a full confession to the abduction and sexual assault of both girls. He identified the location “In the country” (Powhatan County) where the sexual assaults had taken place. He confirmed the younger victim's ...
Testimony/Bearing Witness establishes a dialogue between the different approaches to testimony in epistemology, historiography, law, art, media studies and psychiatry.
People who witness acts of terror and violence are often called after the event to bear witness to what they saw. In cases where this violence is inflicted by the...
It tells the story of this landmark case through carefully curated court materials, including searing eye-witness testimony, groundbreaking legal testimony, and the Tribunal's advisory opinion.