Titles in the series include: International Conflict and Security Law Nigel D. White International Political Economy Benjamin J. Cohen The Austrian School of Economics Randall G. Holcombe Cultural Economics Ruth Towse Law and ...
New Directions in the World Economy, (London: Macmillan, 1989); Gershon Feder, “On Exports and Economic Growth”, (1983) 12 Journal of Development Economics 59–73; Vinod Thomas, Kazin Matin and John D. Nash, Lessons in Trade Policy ...
This book is a comprehensive introduction to international trade law, written by one of Canada's leading practitioners in the field. The book describes the principles that underpin the international trading...
The essays presented here arose from a strong feeling that it is very important at the present moment to stimulate thought in Canada on our position in the developing world economy.
“A U.S.-MexicoCanada Free Trade Agreement: Sectoral Employment Effects and Regional/Occupational Employment ... Options and Programs to Deter Foreign Exploitation of Child Labor,” forthcoming in Magnus Blomström and Linda Goldberg (eds.) ...
This book is also the ideal companion to any traditional legal casebook on international trade or on international economic law.
This volume is an important and timely analysis of past and current Canadian policies toward both the formal and less formal arrangements which regulate such areas as international trade and financial transactions, international service ...
This book is also the ideal companion to any traditional legal casebook on international trade or on international economic law.
This Handbook provides the tools and data needed to analyze these new dimensions of integration and to assess the content and consequences of DTAs.
As a comprehensive text on the major issues in international trade, this work serves as a guide to students of economics, law and international relations.