With a population of about seventy five persons by the middle 1850s , it contained Joseph Teskey's grist mill and Robert ... A flour mill in a stone building erected in 1853 by Joseph Teskey below the east side of the Appleton Falls was ...
Lanark's Legacy: The 46 WWI Casualties
... 1999) Garnett, R. G., Co-operation and the Owenite Socialist Communities in Britain, 1825–45 (Manchester, 1972) Harrison, J. F. C., Robert Owen and the Owenites in Britain and America: The Quest for the New Moral World (New York, ...
One Hundred Years on Country Roads Claudia Smith ... Tannery Hill , Mica Hill , Potash Hill , Marble Bluff , Shanty Hill , Coal Pit Hill and Iron Road whispered of past ... Whisky Town was a centre of a different sort of commerce .
The Irish-born Jane Quigleywas the wife ofRobert Love's neighbour, John McConnell, a native of Kilbridge, Lanarkshire, who had served with the 19th Regiment of Foot in India and Ceylon. John arrived in North Sherbrooke, with his army ...
... archaeological park. However, in cultural parks the archaeological heritage is only one element among others”. • Burillo, F., Ibañez, E.J., and Polo. C. (1994): “Cultural landscapes represent a total archaeology: they a single thematic unit ...
This step was certainly less than typical for and two articles in Rose - Belford's Canadian Monthly women of her time : most of those who were interestand National Rev. ( Toronto ) : “ Biennial legislation , ” 6 ed in missions confined ...
Another major focus of this period was the creation of the Central Experimental Farm in 1886, on 465 acres of land situated at the edge of the city south of Merivale Road (Carling Avenue). This was one of five experimental stations ...
Making a Capital - Constuire une capitale Jeff Keshen, Nicole St-Onge ... 155 ; David B. Knight , dir . , Choosing Canada's Capital : Conflict Resolution in a Parliamentary System ( Ottawa : Carleton University Press , 1991 ) , 42-44 .
progressive. pioneer? Today, John Locke's (1634–1702) reputation as a thinker of the front rank cannot be overstated. His Two Treatises of Government (1689) were seminal in defining modern neo-Liberal (and American) politics with their ...
... Joseph Kilfoyle , Stanley Campbell , Donald Kilfoyle , Wallace Campbell , Gordon Lowe , Harry Carnahan , Lloyd Malloch , George Code , Clarke Martin , Charles Couch , Dick Martin , Lynden Crampton , Allen McConnell , Bill Crampton ...