'Afflictions & Departures' is a collection of first-person experiential essays by writer and academic Madeline Sonik. Although Sonik explores some of the salient personal experiences of her young life, the essays in 'Afflictions & Departures' are not traditional memoir. In addition to incidents and feelings recaptured from memory, Sonik seeks out connections between the microcosm of of the daily events of her childhood and the social, historical, and scientific trends of the time. 'Afflicitons & Departures' begins by considering the turbulent and changing nature of the world in the late 1950s and early 1960s-the world in which the author was conceived and born. Like many couples of that era, Madeline Sonik's parents focused on shared social and economic ambitions at the expense of authentic personal feeling. These ambitions would erode and, by the 1970s, completely collapse. In 'Afflictions & Departures ' Sonik exercises both intellectual depth and emotional range. The essays are as incisive as they are deeply moving, and leave the reader with a sense of history as it was lived, not as it is codified in countless textbooks."Startlingly original, Madeline Sonik's moving story of her childhood defies all our expectations of memoir. She captures crystalline moments of childhood memory and links them in a daisy-chain with corresponding events of the tumultuous societal change taking place outside her home. It is North America in the 1960s and 70s and her letter-perfect, child's-eye view of the world brings back that time with such intensity that the reader can almost smell and taste it. Droll, tragic, and absolutely compelling, 'Afflictions and Departures' is a visceral portrayal of a family imploding." -Jury, Charles Taylor Prize for literary non-fiction"Her memory is dustless, capacious, uncanny. With a storyteller's skill and a poet's depth of vision, she recreates her childhood with one eye on her family and the other on the larger world. Significant cultural markers sit side-by-side with the small, painful intensities of her childhood. This memoir is crammed with pathos, yet is written with a light touch. I adore the narrator who never falls into self-pity or narcissism. The clarity of her vision makes the prose gleam and transforms autobiography into art." -Lorna Crozier, author of 'Small Beneath the Sky'"Honesty has to be at the centre of any memoir, and 'Afflictions & Departures' pulsates with raw, straightforward truth. ... Sonikhas overcome enormous challenges and turned them into literary jewels. This book encourages readers to think about family, memory and history - and above all, resilience." - Times ColonistWinner of the City of Victoria Butler Book PrizeFinalist, Charles Taylor Prize for literary non-fictionNominated for the BC National Award for Canadian non-Fiction
Satisfied with my efforts , I left my dinner roasting and setting while I wandered off to watch Donahue . In the middle of " Bisexual Men and Voodoo Priestesses - Compatible Marriages ? " a crescendo of domestic noise swelled in my ears ...
Thus , as we gaze at the Stein Valley , we see it in terms of jobs , board feet ( a lumber measure ) and profit . We look to harvesting mineral nodules from the ocean depths , tapping oil and gas from deep beneath the Arctic ice ...
The comments of Allen Pearson and the anonymous referees for the Canadian Journal of Philosophy helped me to improve an earlier version of this paper . Faith and Public Service DAVID MACDONALD Almost from the day 110 | Best Canadian ...
Gus is proven through this biography to be a model nationalist, a family-oriented hunter as well as a noble defender of Canada's rights and freedoms. Gus also proves to be the ideal Canadian by joining the military, as he feels it is ...
Robert Browning (1812–1889) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861), English poets. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning had been published in 1897, The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1845–1846 in ...
Kenneth J. Harvey. 8 . ' You Deserve a Break Today ' — McDonald ' s . How about you don ' t deserve a break today ? How about you ' re Helen Steel and Dave Morris and just spent three years in court fighting McDonald ' s lawyers over ...
Beginning with an account of Mavis Gallant's impressions of the student uprising in May 1968, the book presents a whole range of subjects portraying French society, as well as essays ranging from architecture to literary style plus an ...
Mackenzie was part of the new look of Canadian defence ... There was talk in some quarters of corralling Mackenzie to lead the Tory party out of the wilderness . The soldier had more common sense . Meanwhile the regular force was being ...
... A classic thoughtful prayer of this kind is "God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed , and the wisdom to distinguish the 135 The Game Must Go On.