This guide explains the legal framework within which a housing manager is working on any given case, demonstrating the options available in the management of a tenancy. Guidance is given in key areas and an appendix includes required model letters and forms.
Security of Tenure of Business Premises: how Landlord and Tenant are Affected
Handbook on Best Practices, Security of Tenure, and Access to Land: Implementation of the Habitat Agenda
Security of Tenure of Business Premises: How Landlord and Tenant are Affected
Business Tenancies: Security of Tenure: How Landlord and Tenant Are Affected
This is an open access book. This open access book presents a nuanced and accessible synthesis of the relationship between land tenure security and sustainable development.
Security of Tenure Under the Rent Act
From these reviews, lessons are drawn and gaps are identified, which then formed the basis of the range of methods presented in this report.
Rent Control and Security of Tenure Up to Date
Security of Tenure in the Private Rented Sector: A Manual for Advisers